Getting Started with Fenzon

Template Manager

Within the settings, you have the option to customize templates. To do this, select the Customize section in the sidebar menu. There, you have access to the Template Manager.

Customize Sidebar

The Template Manager allows you to design print templates for PDFs. You can create, upload, and position custom headers and footers. The basis for business document templates, such as quotes and invoices, is the DIN 5008 Form A standard. Accordingly, the maximum dimensions are 27 mm for both header and footer.

For best results, we recommend a resolution of 948 x 145px. Vector graphics yield the best outcomes, as they do not lose sharpness when zoomed in and enable very small PDF file sizes.
Filenames for header and footer graphics may contain numbers, letters, underscores, and hyphens. Filenames with spaces, special German characters (Umlauts), or previously unsupported special characters may not be consistently supported.

In addition to visual customization options, the Template Manager also allows you to save predefined header and footer texts. These can consist of fixed text or be dynamically created using the formula field.

Template Manager Header Footer

Through selection fields for dynamic customization, you can access all object fields, available operators, and functions to create rule-based text generation.


IF($Quotes.ContactSalutation==mr AND $Quotes.ContactName!=""){Good day Mr. $Quotes.ContactName}
ELSEIF($Quotes.ContactSalutation==ms AND $Quotes.ContactName!=""){Good day Ms. Frau $Quotes.ContactName}
ELSEIF($Quotes.ContactSalutation==mx AND $Quotes.ContactName!=""){Hello $Quotes.ContactName}
ELSE{Dear Sir or Madam},

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