Product ManagementServices
Services enable automated price calculations based on product properties in the background. In Product Management, services can be managed within the Global Elements section.
Within the Service Details area, the basic settings for the service package are established.
- Name
- Designation of the service with a maximum of 32 characters.
- Description
- A brief description that will be displayed when selecting the service.
- Standard
- When activated, this service is set as the default service for service entry.
- Aggregation
- When activated, the elements that make up the service are not listed separately.
- Aggregation Text
- Displayed as the position text when aggregation is activated.
By adding elements, the service can be detailed. Individual elements can be restricted in their execution through conditions.
A special reference consists of Areas, which are often used in connection with arrival and departure. These must be set up in advance in the corresponding menu by assigning specific postal codes to an area. The postal codes can be entered in full or only with leading digits. Multiple entries are separated by a comma. Ranges of postal codes can be added with a hyphen: 1-7,82,854,92010
For actions, different areas of application can be used as a basis for calculations. Within an element, multiple actions can be created. This is advisable when addressing different areas of application. If the Unique checkbox is activated, this action will be executed only once and not for each position.