Discover companies nearby that offer the same products in different materials.
47-480 Pietrowice Wielkie • 60 mi
The company Eko-Okna, founded in 1998 and headquartered in Poland, specializes in serving business partners in Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Netherlands, USA, Lithuania, Estonia, Australia, Sweden, Slovakia, Norway, Hungary and Egypt. It produces windows, entrance doors, garage doors, shading systems and insect screens in plastic, aluminum and wood variants.
2136 Laa an der Thaya • 62 mi
The company HC Fenster, headquartered in Austria, specializes in serving business partners. It distributes windows, entrance doors and shading systems in plastic and aluminum variants.
The company Actual-berger, located in Austria, was founded in 1971 and markets its products to business partners and private clients. The company manufactures plastic, aluminum and wood windows, entrance doors and shading systems.
Fensternorm is a company founded in 2001 and based in Austria, which markets its products to business partners and private clients. The company manufactures plastic and aluminum windows, entrance doors, shading systems and insect screens.
Aikon Distribution is a company founded in 2009 and based in Poland, which markets its products to business partners. The company offers plastic, aluminum and wood windows, entrance doors, garage doors and shading systems.
2514 Traiskirchen • 107 mi
FaceTrack is a company based in Austria, which markets its products to business partners. The company offers plastic, aluminum and wood windows, entrance doors, shading systems and insect screens.
2544 Leobersdorf • 114 mi
Sonnenschutz Neuwirth is a company based in Austria, which markets its products to business partners. The company offers plastic, aluminum and wood windows, entrance doors, shading systems, insect screens and window sills with 11 employees.
3920 Groß Gerungs • 116 mi
The company Dorn, headquartered in Austria, specializes in serving business partners. It distributes windows, entrance doors, garage doors, shading systems, insect screens and window sills in plastic, aluminum and wood variants.